SBT Sign on

Soulbound Tokens (SBTs) are non-fungible tokens with programmable privacy parameters that serve as a user's identity in the web3 ecosystem. Unlike traditional Single Sign-On (SSO) methods that rely on centralized providers and sacrifice privacy, SBT SSO at Gain Network offers a decentralized and secure solution.

It enables web3 users to easily sign-up or sign-on to web3 applications while safeguarding their privacy, without relying on intermediaries or sacrificing security. The process is as simple as signing a transaction in your wallet, and the nuanced privacy parameters of SBTs provide a more flexible and customizable authentication method compared to traditional SSO methods.

How to use SBT SSO on AVIVE:

  1. Connect AVIVE account

  2. Sign up with wallet authentication

  3. Claim your .soul name

  4. Mint AVIVE Soulbound Identity SBT via AI

  5. Log in with decentralized Single Sign-On

  6. Mint web3 wallet for credit score SBT and access services.

Last updated